2010 - age 3
2009 - age 2
Caden was definitely ready for school to start, as usual. This year, though, Corley wanted in on all of the morning rush. She got ready just as he did and met me at the door with her backpack just like Caden. She carried it to the car just as he did. Let's see how funny it is next Tuesday when she realizes that she will be going to school, too:)
We walked Caden in to Mrs. Julie and Mrs. Elizabeth's classroom, although Caden requested that he do it alone. He reminded me SEVERAL times that he has done this before and that I could drop him off like all the other days. When he walked into the classroom I didn't get a "see you later" or anything. He was already busy with his friends. It is great that he loves school so much! Hopefully it will rub off on Corley and Brooks through the years.