Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's new with us

As most of you know Lesley, Caden and I have recently moved to Albany, Georgia. We will spend the next year here while I finish the last year of pharmacy school, only 9 more months! Lesley is teaching Marketing at Monroe Comprehensive High School in town. Caden started daycare a couple weeks ago and is adjusting well. He really enjoys the teacher and all the children. Claire and Wayne have been extremely helpful in our transition to the area, Lesley and I don't know what we would have done without them here. Lesley had a hard time leaving Leah in Athens, but it helps to have her mother so close. Caden loves to help Pop in the garage whether they are "fixing" bikes or chasing balls down the driveway. We miss not having a yard where Caden can play, but it has been so hot here that his outside time is limited anyway. We look forward to cooler weather so we can frequent the local zoo/park. They have some cool exibits and the park is great, huge playground and picnic areas. Thats all for now, we miss you all-