Sunday, February 26, 2012

Such a familiar sight

Corley was so excited to get the walker out for Brooks. Reminded me of Caden when we pulled it out for Corley. Funny how these baby toys are so exciting to an almost 5 year old and a 2 and 1/2 year old. Things never change.

Caden age 2 and 1/2

Kids' bath update

Corley is such a big helper. She jumped at the opportunity to help daddy with the bathroom update while Caden was at school. She LOVED her pink hammer. Unfortunately, she worked so hard that she fell into the bathtub and almost hurt herself with the hammer. That was after she almost hit herself in the face while "hammering". Needless to say, she was fired. The good news is that she still thinks that she was a big help to the project. That is all that matters!

The Dentist - AGAIN


After previous attempts to have Caden's teeth cleaned - and them not going well - he finally did it! Such a battle with him. He even watched Michael and I at our dentist over the past year to help the situation. He came home telling Corley all about it and how much it didn't hurt. Thankfully he is already promoting it for her.
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Corley's new hair cut - so grown!




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We thought it would be easier than this