Friday, December 11, 2009

Corley is growing

Isn't she cute? We think so. I can't believe how much she has grown. Thank-you Aunt Mollie and Uncle John for the rattle. Corley plays with it all the time...she loves it as much as Caden did. And she sits at the table with us now (playing in the high chair) and watches everyone eat. Maybe Santa will bring her some food!

Not-so-good photos

I hope you enjoy these. This was one of our at home photo sessions for the Christmas card. I laughed the entire time and decided that it wasn't worth the frustration any longer. Poor Corley was MAD by the end. And Caden wasn't overly helpful. I am sure most of you can remember similar experiences with your own.

Thanksgiving Feast

Caden's school celebrated Thanksgiving with a feast for the children. The classes performed a few musical selections - Caden did not. He cried and whined the entire time, but did enjoy the food afterward. Imagine that...he is our child for sure. Michael and I asked a million questions to determine why he was so unpleasant during the performance. We later determined he was sick after getting a temperature of 102.7 after his nap. With a visit to our pediatrician we discovered that he had tonsillitis. This began our Thanksgiving week and it ended with a virus. Vomiting right after Thanksgiving dinner with the family was not our idea of fun. I am learning that kids are always sick. Or is it just mine?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Balloons Over Anderson

Isn't this cool? This is the sight above Anderson this weekend.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Worst Birthday Ever...that I can remember

Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I hope no one is offended that I did not answer the phone. I haven't felt well the past two days and it worsened yesterday. Long story visit - kidney infection - drugged up. I should be feeling better by the end of the week.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This has been a big week for the kids.
*Caden has used the potty TWO times. This may not seem exciting, but he has had zero interest until Monday. Now he is willing to try after his bath. I will take what I can get.
*Caden hit 30 lbs. Does this mean that I can consider it a workout when I carry him?
*Corley hit 9 lbs. She is finally gaining weight. She wore a 0-3 month dress to church Sunday and one today. They are much too long, but at least the newborn clothes are getting too small. We didn't think she would ever grow out of them. It has taken almost 5 weeks.
*Corley slept 6 hours straight last night. Pray that there are more of these to come.

Two thoughts

1. Isn't is weird that moms are never in a picture with the kids? As I am updating tonight I realize I am ALWAYS taking the pictures. Interesting.

2. I don't have any clothes. I mean, I don't have any clothes for my new job as a stay at home mom. So... Do I buy "mom" clothes OR do I overdress everyday? Somehow I don't think that chasing Caden in heels and a skirt, or playing at the playground in a suit is a great idea. I guess I will begin the hunt for "not-so-mom" mom clothes.


This isn't Corley's first bath, but there are some cute pictures.

Dad's day off

Michael had the day off on Thursday and we were off to Greenville to the zoo. (This worked out perfectly since Caden had a low fever and couldn't go to school.) We had a nice trip and enjoyed a picnic lunch at the park. Corley missed the entire thing...

Cold days are here

I can't believe that the cold has already arrived, although I am not complaining. It is such a nice change from the heat of the summer. I know Leah (and others) will be happier, too, since heat and pregnancy are not a good combination. You can see Michael and Caden enjoying some "warm" cocoa this past weekend. Caden loved that he got to use a real mug and sit outside/in the garage to drink it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Caden, Corley, and I visited the pumpkin patch outside of Athens with Bella, Aunt Leah, Uncle Mike, Alexander, and Kristen. Caden and Alexander had such a great time - Corley didn't seem to care either way. The boys went on a hay ride, rode the cow train, picked pumpkins, played on some weird playground equipment, and visited some of the animals. Our cousin, Kristen, joined us for the big event. Luckily she was able to take Caden on the cow train. I don't think I would fit!


Someone once told Michael that you are not real parents until you have two children...with one you are just playing house. Now I see! I am thankful each and every day for such a supportive husband and an involved daddy.

Corley has been a wonderful addition to our family. Caden loves her so much. He kisses her, reads to her, sings to her, brings her things, and always checks on her when he hears the faintest noise. You can see in the photo that Caden brought Corley some of his trains so that she could play, too. Can't you just see the excitment in her face? Caden is the best big brother. (I do remind myself that this may change at ANY time.)

Notice how much Corley looks like Caden in this particular doesn't help that she is wearing something not so girlie.

Corley's here!

So I am a little late posting this - about three and half weeks late. Corley arrived on September 18 at 10:27 am. She was 8 lbs and 19.5 inches long. Everyone was shocked to see the red hair. We had no idea that she would be here so early in the morning as I was prepared for a long day of labor. Nana and Aunt Leah barely made it to the hospital before the delivery. Everything went well and Michael and I are so blessed to have two healthy children!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Caden's first day of school

It is finally time for school to begin. Caden asked me about his new school all summer long as he was anxious to meet his new friends. He has been three days this week and seems to really like it. He is there from 8:15-11:15 which is perfect for me to get a few things done at home. Of course this will all change in the next few weeks - Corley will be here soon. I think it is so cute that they are required to bring a full size backpack each day. He looks so funny with it on since they are almost the same size.

Helping my dad

Who can resist playing with water and lots of suds? Not our Caden. He was up to the challenge when we asked if he wanted to help wash the cars. The idea was even more exciting when it was mentioned that he could wear his bathing suit. Although he looks really helpful in the photos, he spent most of the time spraying us and throwing the rags into the bucket to watch the suds fly everywhere. Fun for us all!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What have we done all summer?

We have been quite busy which might help to explain the lack of updates over the past two months. (You can view the slideshow for some of the times when we actually had the camera available.)

Michael is now a licensed pharmacist in Georgia and South Carolina - no more free advice (Ha,Ha!) He really enjoys working for Walgreens so far. Our house is becoming a home. We have been busy with projects since we closed June 15. Hardwood floors were installed to finish the first really makes it look bigger. The kitchen cabinets have been painted. We are still waiting for Corley's bedding to arrive so that we can get the nursery in order. Trees, lots of trees, have been removed to make our backyard more useable. Please don't fret - we had millions of trees to begin with. Caden got a swingset for his birthday. He calls it "Caden's Park" (although we talk about how he will have to share with Corley when the time comes). While all of this has been happening, I am getting familiar with my new role as a full time mom. It is very different for me, but I do enjoy it. Hopefully it will get easier as I meet other people.

Planting flowers with Nana (June 7)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This week is super busy for us. Uncle Taylor's birthday is June 2, Michael's is June 4, and Caden's is June 6. We will be full of sweets by the end of this week. Tomorrow is Caden's last day at his school. Before we move, we decided to celebrate his birthday at school like all of his friends have done and brought cupcakes to share. Most of the class liked the blue and white cupcakes - some more than others. Do you think that Caden enjoyed his???

Picking Strawberries

We visited a local strawberry farm to enjoy the nice weather and let Caden learn about plants. He had so much fun. We told him to look for the very red ones, but he picked every one that he saw...and there were lots of them. You would have thought that he won the lottery. While at the farm we shared some homemade ice cream. It was delicious. After coming home, Caden helped clean the strawberries and we had them for lunch. The funny thing about this whole adventure is that Caden seems to have lost his taste for strawberries. He would not eat them at all!!! It is a good thing that I have been craving fruit with this pregnancy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pharmacy Graduation

I am so proud of Michael. It was only seven years ago that he began his educational journey at Athens Technical College. We have had lots of bumps along the way, some good and some not so good, but here we are. We have finally reached the end/beginning. It is amazing how significant this one weekend is in the journey. Enjoy the pictures of Dr. Michael Olsommer and family (but you don't have to call him that- no matter what he says).

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

Our little addition is a girl. We are still a little shocked as we just knew that it was a boy. I guess we will have to adjust. Actually, it isn't a terrible thing as we couldn't really decide on a name for a boy. On the other hand we have had a girls name picked out for over a year. She will be named Corley May Olsommer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Anderson, South Carolina...Here we come!

It is official. Michael has accepted a position with Walgreens in Anderson.
For those who know us best you may find it a little ironic since we have always hated South Carolina. Hopefully our luck will change and we will love it. After visiting Anderson we knew it would be a good home for our growing family. It is only 30 minutes to Greenville and its amenities, and an hour and a half to Atlanta. Michael and I will visit again May 8-9 to look for our new home. We are so excited and look forward to having lots of visitors. ( is easier for you to come see us than us to pack up with two kids and come to you!)
If you are interested in learning more about our new home you can visit some websites. There is a lot to do in the area.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Chocolate Pudding Situation

Michael and I took a short trip to visit a few areas where Michael was interviewing. Upon our return it seems that Bella has introduced Caden to chocolate pudding. Not only did he have some in a little container (pre-packaged) but he liked it so much that they made some to share with everyone. He got to lick the bowl and everything. When Caden came home with us he continued to ask for chocolate pudding. Sunday morning after our breakfast we gave in. Caden got his chocolate pudding and savored every bite. His love of chocolate is definately from my side of the family.

Riding bikes with Pop

Bella and Pop love riding bikes and Caden has admired all the bikes for the past year. He was so excited that Pop got a special seat so that he and Alexander can join in the fun. He wears his helmet like a big boy and talks about all the things that he see as they bike. He is so lucky